Saturday, May 7, 2011

2nd Indipendence movement in india

hi folks it is time to second independence movement, not against rollers but against corruption. it is our golden chance to eliminate bribe and corruption. lets stand together and support anna hazare. he is our new Gandhi. with Gandhi`s non-violence principles this movement is founded, no doubt we are done, it is our victory against corruption, as said by Anna hazare we have to still fix some things, the union govt and corrupted people try to act smart to confuse supporters. but thanks to all who support the 2nd Independence movement. lets create our golden India. thank you folks., by hemasundararao.marada

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Gist of Bhagavad Gita

"Whatever has happened is
for good.
Whatever is happening is
going on well.
Whatever will happen that will
also be good.
Why you are repenting for
whatever you have lost?
Have you brought anything
with you which you have lost?
Have you produced anything
with you which you have lost?
Whatever you have gained you
obtained from here.
Whatever you gave you have
given here.
Whatever belongs to you
today yesterday belongs to
someone else.
It may belonged to someone
day after. "